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  1. I agree about memory playing tricks but there is no way I am wrong here . The only reason I remember so well is because it was the first year of law school and that July and August of 1994 was my last months of actual time killing fun I had lol. I guess maybe it was Railroad Tycoon the first version. That's the DOS version right? Would that version have looked exactly like RRT 2 except not windows?
  2. Would they have updated the DOS version into a version very much like RR2? Like a 1.5 beta? That only came with certain machine purchases? I bought a Compaq Pentium 100 at Best Buy. And I actually was off a year...it was july/August 1994! And I was playing a version of Railroad Tycoon from a cd that I can't fnd right now but I know it is around here somewhere. It feels like one of those time travel anachronisms LOL. I know the game I played and the pictures of the RRT2 are exactly what it was. You got $500K and $500K in credit and would build stations and build tracks and engines and add cars. Mail, coal, etc. You could build refineries and make oil cars or gas cars and they would change at the station. You could build hotels and restaurants at the stations. One train was the "rocket" and it would get a special name when it hit a high speed. Does that sound like the same game?
  3. I know I played it in August of 1995, yet everything I read says it was released in November of 1998. I KNOW I played the game in August of 1995 because it was before my first year of law school. I lived in Ohio and bought a state of the art Pentium 100 from Best Buy and i think it included this game. It was very addictive and I played pretty much every day and night until school started. This was not the first DOS version. It was the windows version. I definitely know this. Am I crazy??
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