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  1. Hi everybody on Dune world! xD I'm new here and let me tell you I'm so happy to find this forum. :) Maybe this was already asked, but I found some programs here to edit some interesting game issues, like the specifications of units, buildings, etc. Now, I'd like a lot to be able to edit the color of some units like, for example, the laser tank. With this I mean, not the color one has to differentiate the factions (blue for Atreides, green for Ordos, red for Hakonnen, etc), but the color of the unit itself. You can play a skirmish battle with Ordos in the color you want, not always green, but the color of the units remain the same. The color of the Devastator is always black. Am I clear? :) If any of you can help me with this, I'll be very grateful. I downloaded a patch that modifies existing units to transform them in new units, but their colour are the same as the original unit, so I'd like to change it to differentiate the new unit of the oroginal unit. Thanks in advance for your time and your effort to make this game even better that it already is! x)
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