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  1. sorry... I did mean rules.txt - d'oh! :-X Well, as long as I am not doing anything wrong, I will persevere and try and suss out where I'm cocking things up. Thanks!
  2. Well, I didn't want to go overboard *remembers giving medics on R.A. telsa guns*, so I just reduced the price of the Atreides infantry to 10 and halfed the building time (first using Tibed, then manually editing after no effect). When this didn't work, I tried a different tactic and replaced the rules.ini with my backup and changed the difficulty settings so that on the easy setting, things would cost 25%. Other than that, I haven't made any more adjustments.
  3. My sincere apologies to all for this newbie question, especially how I bet it's been asked many times... Anyhow, I wish to become cheating scum on Emperor and adapt the rules a little for the single player campaigns. I have tried both manually editing the rules.ini file and using Tibed 1.54 however after modifying the rules, no changes have taken place. I have tried starting new games, restarting saved ones and still no changes have taken place. The changes to the file have been saved, so I must be doing something really dumb. Thanks! Ken.E.B
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