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  1. Thanks, I think I was asking around about this issue (a long time ago) over there, but there was no solution. Will look around again. [Edit] The problem can be partially amended by using the line out instead of headphone out (because the headphone out gets driven to a dangerous amplification level, the line out can not).
  2. Hello everyone, I would like to know if anybody else has run into the same issue and if there is an easy fix for that. On starting Dune2 (any version) the voice/digi volume level maxes out instantly. (Other volume levels also seem to be affected, like microphone, even if it was muted before) This is with all PnP Sound Blaster 16s I have tried. Other Blasters might be also effected. Is there a fix for dune2.exe - or only a memory-eating TSR volume control utility can help ? Thanks in advance for any hints.
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