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  1. Well, I took your suggestion, and it finally works. Before I deleted it though, I noticed a single litte error on it. The line that says: Version=1.23 was for some reason set to= Version=1.23A76 Kinda funny that it didnt cause a crash in the game. In RA2 if this simple little number was messed up entire units would dissapear completely. Heh, whatever. Thanks for the help, and man, hard is a huge challenge now....
  2. Extended build times, costs for atreides vehicles (the faction I was going to play as), and such to make Hard even harder...
  3. But that is just the problem, none of my changes work.
  4. Yes, I know all the main points, but how do I actually use the modification in-game? I cant seem to get that to work... I have the files in C:WestwoodEmporerDataModel Now what?
  5. Well, I have beaten Emporer. Actually, I beat it quite a while ago, all three campaigns up to medium difficulty. Then I quit playing. Well, it's Christmas Break, and I have nearly nothing to do so I pulled it off the shelf, and started playing again. I want to change Emporer, give it a little bit of a "new" fealing. I have tons of experience editing Westwood's Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, as well as several of their other RTS games. I soon learned Emporer is based on the same type of rules settings, using a rules.txt and artini.txt. RA2/YR uses Rules.ini and Art.ini. Both game's rules files are in the same format, so I already know how to edit it. I have made all the neccessary changes, but can't seem to get it working in campaign OR skirmish mode. I placed the rules and art files (only rules file has been cahnged) in a folder called model, as was the instructions I found somewhere, can't remember where. Nothing seems to be working. The folder "model" at C:WestwoodEmporerDatamodel What do I need to do to get it working?
  6. lol Well, thanks for getting my password working, Soul_-_Reaver
  7. :'( I used to go to Soul_Reaver's forums all the time, till war broke out anyway, then I left. I don't remeber the address, since it has been months at least. It was called "Emporer: Battle For Dune, For Honorable Gamers" last time I checked. Does anyone know the addy?
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