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  1. already readed the westwood help file and changed the ipx frame type: nothing changes :(
  2. on single play works perfectly and...yes, pc are already linked directly without an hub. i tried to play warcraft 2, it works perfectly so i supposed it is not a link problem. damn, i bought dune2k just for lan game!
  3. i get this message during multiplayer game, generally when i move lot of units or attack enemy base. the mex always appears on my computer (the server). My two PC are linked with cross cable, both of them runs dune2000 patched to latest version on windows 98 installed yesterday (!) and dx 7. Hardware is almost similar, too: Pentium2/350mhz (Celeron 366Mhz), 256MB RAM (128mb RAM), Sblive (sblive), geFORCE (Sis620 pci card). any idea? :(
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