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random guy

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  1. Thanks! This was very helpful (no sarcasm).
  2. Thank you for taking your time to reply, your opinion is much appreciated. My post was a mess, let me clear things up a little and answer to your suggestions. I liked the idea of KKND style construction, but that way construction yards wouldn't make much sense, plus i want to be able to place a turret instantly before the enemy has a chance to destroy it without it even being finished. Of course, it takes time to construct a building before its placed. Subterranean combat? Never thougt of it before. I might consider it. If the price of upgraded turret is proportional to its effectivity, hit points should also be taken into account because for the same price we could place four turrets of the same type which would be equally effective but would live four times longer. Just a thought. But for turret addons i meant ones like those in Revenge of the titans, except they would be fused together. By upgrading units i thought of a system used in starcraft and similar games. Your idea seams original and interesting but upgrading individual units would be too much hassle. What maybe would be better is a system where upgrades are very expensive and player chooses to make individual commando units out of ordinary ones. Idea of turret remaining after builing is destroyed is now officially out. Building plus upgrading a lower level generator would be a little more expensive than building a higher level generator, they would both take up same amount of space. Yes, possibilities with different value minerals are limitless. About spilt resources... there is only one type of silo and it stores both liquid and solid resources in one building, but separated. When the silo is destroyed, it seems natural that they will be "accidentally" mixed and they will need to be collected and separated again. Workers work inside a refinery but the enemy can take advantage of the moment when the player moves them to another refinery. Assigning a silo to a refinery would not be permanent, player could change his mind at any time. Your idea of recycling really makes sense. I like it. About hp/ad factor - I dont want battles to be too long (boring) but I also dont want them to end before the even start. It's a choice i'll have to make during the making of the game. (if I ever make it...) And finally, titan units. Kind of like experimentals in Supreme Commander. You are right it's much greater joy when your enemy sees your titan coming out of nowhere and he had no idea you were building one! It is certainly a better idea and the enemy can still scout to see if you are making one. But would he have time to prepare his defences if surprised? I would either have to make them very slow (logical for heavy units), make them vulnerable to certain attacks or give them some other kind od handicap.
  3. I got some ideas for an RTS game and decided to start learning how to make it... I know it will take a huge amount of time and probably won't be any good, but i'm ok with that. The only real problem, aside from resources, is its lack of originality. During design process , I noticed many similarities with existing games, mostly Starcraft and C&C. I tried to avoid them and here's what i came up with: (this is only a part of an excel sheet where I wrote stuff that comes to my mind, i'm currently on android so i cant copy all of that) capturing neutral facilities grants resources, energy, radar access, turret access or unique powerful units (or improved standard units) captured facilities can be recaptured by the enemy so they need to be guarded buildings require addons and/or support structures to train advanced units (classic tech tree) buildings construct and repair without workers base centers are portable, but extremely slow an risky to move repair/healing centers for vehicles and aircraft/infantry resources are collected from upgradeable "refineries" or mines built on top of them, workers are assigned to carry them to resource depositories resources in form of mineral patches with 1 or more mineral types (minerals must be concepted in a way that each race can make use of them) resources in form of pools of (not necessarily) green fluid destroying a resource facility takes away all resources that were inside and "spills" them so they must be recollected, and saved from enemy ground, air and possibly naval warfare buildings are first constructed then placed on map, all needed resources taken immediately (when construction starts), same goes for units buildings that are not needed anymore can be recycled turrets, specific support buildings and using superweapons require power turrets can be upgraded with addons that affect damage and firerate, addons require additional power addons remain after building is destroyed power is provided initially by base center, and later on by reactors which are separate buildings and by capturing support structures power provided at the beginning only allows basic defense buidings are constructed at the base center and additional construction yards which allow constructing multiple buildings at the same time there are reactors of higher tech level which are more expensive but produce more power, lower tech level reactors can be leveled up at smaller cost there are variations of resources which are rare but more valuable, they differ in colour spilt resources can only be recollected by placing multifunctional extractors as they are mixed when depository is destroyed (not sure about this) infantry upgrade facility has infantry heal addon, same for vehicles, but aircraft are repaired at addon to their production facility first decide how units will be upgraded in multifunctional extractor player chooses to focus on one resource type resources are sometimes found as primary mixed with secndary (crystals in a pool of fluid), they are collected by multifunctional extractors which are bigger and more expensive turrets built on top of resource depositories are merged with them, meaning they cant be destroyed first resource depositories can be upgraded to support turret placement on top of them, increasing hit points significantly and providing additional protection base center trains miners and repair drones higher tech level multi purpose refineries allow simultaneous collection of both primary and secondary resources neutral facilties (line 1) include small, self-sufficient structures that slowly grant small amounts of resources repair drones are weak and unarmed (like miners), they speed up building, vehicle and aircraft repairs but slightly increase repair cost if unit repair station idea is implemented, repair drones could be assigned to work at them ***resources will always be transferred to base center when its not full (priority over depositories)*** workers can be transferred to other extractors ***forget bull...t fat above, all types of resources are mined by placing a refinery and assigning limited number of workers to them, they are constantly garrisoned, no refinery-base route*** ***when base can not hold additional resources depositories are built and player chooses which depository will be used by which refinery, they must not be at unreasonable distance*** ***passive collecting, discrete spending http://www.oxeyegames.com/rts-game-play-part-2-resource-systems/ (not sure about this) support building where repair drones can be assigned to speed up overall building repairs, optional, not primary purpose size and capacity of an extractor depends of fesource size and tech level extremely powerful "titan" units, huge, unique, expensive and slow to build, with unique abilities, constructed with a side building that garrisons drones to speed up construction titan units are visible to all players while being constructed mobile deployable turrets long battles (high hit points, low attack damage) Note: this is only a part of the concept, as I couldn't copy all of it. As you can see, the focus is placed less on collecting resources and more on construction, upgrading, battle and protecting collected resources. Many ideas here may sound stupid and/or unoriginal to you and that's perfectly fine. I actually wrote this in one night. Thank you for being patient enough for reading this huge post. Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
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