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Lord Raffles

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  1. Thank you Jerryfisher. Are there any tutorials with regards the map editor that I can have a browse at?
  2. Hi, Having recently taken up RRTII after many years, I found myself rather disappointed with the map of Wales that was available... so I've begun work on a more realistic rendition of Cymru 8) It's very large, 500 x 500 and will feature all the major towns that were part of the original Rail network prior to the Beeching report (plus other towns/villages for players to expand to). North Wales will prove difficult, and whoever endeavors to link up the Gog's might consider Anglesey as a good start. This is a work in progress, and I'm still getting used to the editor - working on it in between my new N scale layout based on the Cambrian Coast :D On a side note: is it possible to edit the name of resources to give maps a more local flavor?
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