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Everything posted by Mort

  1. Woo. I used a combination of all that, more or less, and had a lot of fun destroying the ridiculously huge waves of Harkonnen tanks. I did get a bit shocked when suddenly the timer came up (as I'd sort of forgotton I had to get rid of that worm), but the carryall+fremen technique worked a treat. Cheers! Also, I take it that if I had attacked house Ordos, I would still get to the same level? I was presuming that once I had eliminated the Harkonnen, I'd then have to take out the Ordos.
  2. Hmm. I'm on the last Atreides mission, against the Harkonen (ie, I defeated their area on Arrakis, and their stronghold on their own planet), and now I'm on the mission where I'm against the Guild, the Harkonen, and the Ordos, trying to destroy some Emperor Worm. This is possibly the hardest mission I've come up against so far, and I was just wondering if anyone had any useful tips or hints for this one, as I keep getting totally destroyed, after a few successful waves of defense. Cheers. Mort.
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