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  1. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Well, gents, I'm going to do some business now, so I won't be available for about three months. I'll update if I can, and check back in periodically. Best of luck to all of you, and see you soon. Kingpin...
  2. Kingpin

    New Mod

    The Ordos Great Hall is going to stand in for one of the Super house structures, ORINhall, probably the Landsraad building. It is curious though that the building has a strange anomaly associated with it. It seems that when I built it, it's corners were 'porous' and troops could move indeed through the actual model itself. I wonder if that could be fixed. Then again, I wonder if that could be generalized, whether other buildings could be made 'porous' as well. That could simulate fortifying a building especially if you allowed the building to be built on inf rock. Mainly useful against a human opponent, who would be completely blind to the danger until it was too late. Imagine being able to build 'notional' bunkers or allow current buildings to field troops. One, it would make more room in a base, possibly alleviating the AI blocking itself in. Two, it would surprise most enemies to see fire from within the base itself. Three, it would allow max protection of the base itself by integrating the fields of fire INTO the buildings themselves. Apollyon, could you explore that possibility?
  3. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Also is the 20 unit cap refer only to units, or is it really a 20 'new thing' cap that includes turrets, bullets, structures as well as units?
  4. Kingpin

    New Mod

    This brings me to my next point; there are only two styles of warfighting. One is Maneuver warfare, where you seek the advantage over the opponent by exploiting his weaknesses and avoiding his strengths. The other is warfare by attrition, where success is usually determined by the losses inflicted on the other. Each Great, Sub, and Super House will empathsize one of these two styles. The only exception to the rule is the Atreides, which will embrace the 'American' style of warfare with massive airpower (three combat aircraft) to back its ground troops. In order to make this happen correctly, I need to know if it is possible to set up the Atreides base differently than the rest, to empathisize this difference, in the AI files.
  5. Kingpin

    New Mod

    I'm dropping FOUR units from each of the Great Houses, the light infantry, the engineers, and the scouts, all to be replaced by general purpose commandos (less expensive than engineers, more expensive than infantry. The ATtrike, HKBuzzsaw, ORDeviator are all going, the remaining units are stronger. The Atreides will benefit by having TWO ornithopters (air-superiority/interceptor and attack gunship) and an AC-130 Gunship ADP. The Harkonnen will gain the MRLS (Multiple Rocket Launcher System), an extreme range, though inaccurate, rocket launcher; TurretYAcceptableAim/ TurretXAcceptableAim statements could produce that effect (???). The Ordos will probably just get advanced veterancy stats and be extremely outfitted for manuever warfare.
  6. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Also, My assumption is that ADVSard and ADVFremen T/F statements cancel each other out, but could you find out?
  7. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Apollyon, could you also investigate to see if it is possible to lay a 'splat' in a straight line? I was thinking a weapon that does continuous damage might be able to leave the splat behind in the direction of firing. Consider the inkvine phenomenon. Say you leave that splat... [inkVineSplat] Size = 3
  8. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Apollyon, can you find out if the AdvancedFremen = TRUE statement will neccessarily cancel out any other t/f statement. My idea is to have a commando that can transform between two or three different variations, one being a medical specialist (the other two being combat and infilitration/demolition). I would love to have the unit have Repair = true as part of its code, but I just want to see if that's possible.
  9. Kingpin

    New Mod

    I like the CGI script idea, but I'm really clueless without an example to go by. First, what IS CGI script, and how do you use it? Could you send me some examples of the code.
  10. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Well, if we can't build the training post, we could make it a preplaced building on custom maps and thus another 'natural resource' to be fought over. It might be worth it in just this way, and in any case it is something rather new. But then again there is always the engineer and the deviator effect that could be explored, both values will change the unit ownership. Also, in the campaign, incidentals will change ownership midgame. Hmmm, just thoughts.
  11. Kingpin

    New Mod

    All we have worked on right now is gameplay issues. At least right now, we are trying to build units that work within the limited scheme of the original. That means the Rules, Artlin, and .ini files. Once that is done, we need to work on the AI files to allow the computer to compete as well. Any new music, XBFs, or textures might have to be 'subcontracted' out; I don't know about Apollyon, but I know I do not currently possess the proficiency to make those myself, nor do I have the time. So an initial release will probably be just codes for the above mentioned files. Once those are troubleshot and balanced, we'll start adding new models and such. So the initial release, a 0.1 version, will likely be less than 1 megabyte, and is maybe 3-4 months away, we'll just say January. We'll tweak it, correct errors, until we get it right, and then start importing more spacious files. Since we are still trying new things, and do not know which ideas may work and which ones will not, it will be some time before we can point out specifics about anything.
  12. Kingpin

    New Mod

    Oh, by the way, Apollyon, cute signature. ;)
  13. Also, I will adaopt several conventions to describe any unit in its most pertinent qualities, such as speed, firepower and rate of fire, armor, cost, buildtime and health. For speed, for instance, I will set a comparable measure... <4 = Very Slow 5-6 = Slow 7-8 = Moderate 9-10 = High 11-14 = Quick 15-20 = Fast 21-24 = Very Fast 25< = Extreme... to allow useful comparisons on the fly. Firepower will be mostly the bullet damage times the turret firing rate per 1000 'ticks,' noting also where this damage is 'continuous,' uses an XBF salvo, or similiar. Armor is relatively straight forward, and health will be graduated similiar to speed. All of the above will help describe the unit's effectiveness in a shorthand, and be used for balancing issues. It will also help describe AND more accurately apply the veterancy structure.
  14. I've started to create a website to track the progress of my mod, the War of Assassins. While it is very new, and under heavy construction, I invite anyone interested in publishing their units that they have made to send me the data for their units. This should ease the process of reinventing the wheel for would-be modders, and myself. As I said, myself and Apollyon, primarily, as well as my trusty Desert Eagle ;), are working to flesh out the details of the mod's own units, so it may be some time before I can publish anyone else's, but I will publish them in good faith. All I ask is that you email them in this form... Mod Taken from, if applicable. Credits Unit title, e.g. Harkonnen Assault Tank House, e.g. Harkonnen Mission, e.g. Assault, Support, Attack, Anti-infantry, Antivehicle, antiair, etc. Unit Description, including its purpose, special features, liabilities, and any comparison to other similiar units. Unit explanation, if warranted. This is to include any unique attributes. The 'face dancer' unit quickly comes to mind as one that may need a how-to manual with it. Artlin Data Bullet Data Turret Data Unit Data Any other unique data such as new XBFs or .ini data that needs to be published. All of the above is useful information that will allow a modder to quickly incorporate the data into a mod, will allow someone to advertize a mod, or allow someone to try a unit out if they are curious.
  15. Kingpin

    New Mod

    No set dates are going to be possible yet, Ethan. I still have a full dance card for the next few months and I'm probably going to be driving Apollyon crazy chasing those pesky wild gooses for the foreseeable future ;). What I am trying to make available though is the code for most of the units that do work so if someone is interested in the basic ideas, they can use whatever units we make for their own mods, and vice versa; if there is a unit that they want to share with the community, they can send it to me and I'll post it on the website. It would be a great way to learn the techniques and technologies of one another, and tease everyone about what else we can make. Still under construction, though and if I don't finsh in the next two weeks, you'll have to wait another two months for the website and any real progress.
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