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Everything posted by .:DavivaD:.

  1. Weapon of Flame Tank. Thanks.
  2. Images will be later. I have a small problem. How can I colorize house (np.IX -> Guild)? I know I did in TibEd but do not know how.
  3. I'm sorry that made me was not so long, I've been busy making of new units to new Campaign. I created:Flame Tank - Tank who hurls fire.Hypersonic Car - Very quick not armed vehicle for exploring the area on long distances.Scouter - Tank-scout who hurls energy.The Tank of Death - The most powerful and strongest amidst all of other units, blow everything on him road. Is pretty darn expensive.
  4. translated by Google: like you mean these errors, myself do not know how to fix them.
  5. Meant to be like, good against anti-Tank units but weak against Tank units.
  6. could... IX speed tank?
  7. Mvi, as far as briefings, in 9 mission all your enemies have an alliance with you because of the growing strength of home combined with the Fremen atredies.
  8. thanks!
  9. Translation by Google: Yes, have been only minor fixes in missions \ units and add guilde instead sandworm (in that it is a small problem).
  10. Oto oja modyfikacja która zniwiarzowi daje działko które sztrzela granatami. Translate by Google: Here is my modification which gives harvester gun that shoots grenades. Harvester can more.zip
  11. Translation by Google: Quote:Are the "Infected Harkonnen" rebels? Has part of House Harkonnen become renegade and split away? Infected Harkonnen is Rebel, later allied rebell (controlled by their rebel modified outpost). Quote: In mission 3 are you meant to start by taking over the Mercenaries base? Yes
  12. ok, masz Translation by Google: ok, you have Translation by Google: mission 1 - Capture the Mercenaries i Fremen Construction yard. mission 2 - Destroy all enemies. mission 3 - Blow up the base Atreides and the Fremen. mission 4 - Capture Infected Harkonnen heavy factory. mission 5 - Run Away! mission 6 - Destroy Infected Harkonnen. mission 7 - Sabotage Infected Harkonnen base. mission 8 - Capture Infected Harkonnen modified outpost. mission 9 - Destroy all enemies. New Harkonnen Campaign PRE.zip
  13. Cześć, jak widać jestem Polakiem. Dune 2000 Dostałem na urodziny. To tyle o mnie :). Jak mówi ten temat, wkrótce wyślę nową kampanię Harkonnenów. Ale mam mały problem, nie umiem Angielskiego. Jak mógł ktoś napsać poprawnie cele misji to by było idealnie. Translation by Google: Hi, as you can see I am a Pole. Dune 2000 I got for my birthday. But enough about me :). As he says this subject soon I'll post a new campaign Harkonnen. But I have a little problem, I can not English. How to help someone to write correctly the mission objectives that would be perfect. filmik/video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz5cI2VopVo&feature=youtu.be
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