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  1. I've recently reinstalled Emperor after not playing it for many, many years. I have the four official map packs, officially downloaed from Westwood's website (numbered 1-4, although some places number them as 3-6, as that's how the actual files are named, with MAPS0001 being the original pack installed with the game and MAPS0002 added by one of the official patches). I also have something called CampaignMapUnlocker/Map Converter by Stealth, which is supposed to make the single player campaign map 'Hole in the Rocks' available in skirmish and online multiplayer. However, I can't get this to work. After first installing Emperor, I updated to v1.09. When I tried running the unlocker it just said 'Incorrect Emperor version, please upgrade and try again'. The readme file included states that v1.08 is required, so apparently it is only compatible with v1.08 and not v1.09. I reinstalled Emperor, this time only updating to v1.08. However now, when I run the unlocker, it states 'You do not have all available mappacks from Westwood, please download all the mappacks', even though I do have all of them installed (all MAPS000x files in Emperor\Data). I have tried this on both of my computers - a desktop and a laptop, both running Windows 7 x64. Just in case it was an error with a newer version of Windows or a 64bit registry issue, I also tried it on my girlfriend's netbook, which is running Windows XP 32bit, but it doesn't work on that machine either. Does anyone know how to get this working? Or is there another way to unlock this or any other campaign maps for use in skirmish/online?
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