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Everything posted by vitk

  1. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    Ok, mr. sMIRNOV, you a nice guy. Trully communist. Stalin would be proud of you. knok-knok. who there? smirnov, the greatest m*f.
  2. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    Ok, let me explain some things. Game is unfinished. It missed some very importat parts like AI, user interface, balance. I can say that it's look like a alpha version only. But Author does not want to translate game to english. Author does not want to improve code of game. Author want only fix bugs and think that 'his dune' is genius. He lazy like hell. I talked with him a little and wondering how he can even finished playable version. So dont wait anything special. This game born dead. sorry for my english, it's my third language.
  3. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    Hello, Author said that he does not want to make a english version, coz "Ted Morris, Director, Online Services." warn it that "any product that is derived from one of our products cannot be legally distributed, either for free or for profit. We must take this stance in order to preserve our intellectual rights." What can you all say about this? How author can awoyd DMCA law? Please answer, if you want Dune 3 in english.
  4. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    http://www.translate.ru/eng/url/tu_body.php?PHPSESSID=99161de298c706bdf92a33d82dba591a&autotranslate=true&url=http%3A%2F%2Famonit.boom.ru%2Fmain%2Fdune.htm also try dune.exe -debug
  5. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    Are you sure download a new .exe from http://amonit.boom.ru/main/DUNE3UP3.RAR ???? it fix many errors, including modern videocards fix. Anyway I'll annonce it completly when translation done.
  6. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    try this - ftp://ftp.ware.ru/win/DUNE3_0.RAR and dont forget to get lastest update from site (if you use NVIDIA chip based card) The fist word in menu is 'play'. Then select house and enjoy. This game is kick Arakis ass at all. It is not licence clear for now (it uses graphics and music from original game dune 2) but it will be soon.
  7. vitk

    Look! Dune 3 REAL :)

    It is complete new game, written in Delphi for Win32, with original music, gfx and sounds. Just look.
  8. ;D http://amonit.boom.ru/ if you dont understand russian, use altavista.com to translate. I'm translating now game to english. It will take me about week.
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