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  1. ....what about changing textures? Is it possible to copy a unit from one house to another and then give it more of a suitable appearance?
  2. :oSo its impossible to give another unit MCV attributes, or making an MCV turn into another building type without screwing things up? Thatsucks. Oh well, back to brainstorming i guess.
  3. ....Never mind the worm question, i was just thinking about it too much. Anyone ever experimented with MCV attributes before?
  4. I've made several new Fremen using the Wormrider Attributes, except now the Fremen that transforms into the BigWorm eventually shuts Emperor down, since i copied the B. Worm stats in rules and made it a Wormrider it just keeps coming up and down in the sand for the length of a worm ride. Any suggestions of how i can change this without comletely altering the length of regular W. Rides?
  5. I got the StuntFrigate to land by giving it Ornihopter = true and resource =helipad, but now it refuses to fly. it just glides through units andbuildings. Ive tried messing with the height adjustments. oes anyone know why this occurs?
  6. Do i have to do more than adjust a unit's Size = to change it's size or is it just impossible? Do units get a Vet Score for Crushing or just for shooting?
  7. :DALRIGHT! I think i am FINALLY getting the hang of this ;D! Just a few more questions: Any ideas how i could make units which can only come from a Starport (Cant be built)? What are the max ViewRange and WormAttraction? What are the differences between ExplosionType, Resource, and ObjectLeftWhenGone. Is there a way to make an average unit deploy into another unit type? Concerning exceeding the 20ish-new-thing-limit, do i have to delete an unused building to get a new building and an unused unit to get a new unit, or will removing any one thing do the trick? :-[sorry about the huge list of questions but i would forget them if i didnt input the questions as they came to me. Thanx.
  8. :-[ ??? >:( >:( >:( ive gone back throughmost everythin and it still doesnt move. ant ideas?
  9. ok, NOW the IX Infiltrator wont move, and i didn't change one thing about it! What did i do?
  10. i there a way i can make units prefer crushing when it comes to attacking infantry?
  11. ok, so im trying to make a Fremen that can sacrifice itself to Shai Hullud, ie becomes the Big Worm. I gave an ADVFremen Saboteur = TRUE with a resource = BigWorm with Explosion type = Wormsign3. But, when it kills itself only the wormsign appears. i switced the resource and x.type round and i still only got the worm sign (though it was a lot shorter). do i need to create a new explosion type based on the big worm or should i make a non-buildable unit like the worm-rider?Please advise.
  12. ....is there something about flying units that forbids tem from stealthin? whenever i add Stealth = TRUE the unit just does not move.
  13. What are ClipSphere and HeightOffset, and how do they affect units?
  14. ......ok, back to the ADVCarryalls. I've unlocked the Stunt Frigate and its th same deal as with the TLFlyer and the GUScavenger; ALL of them have ADVCarryall = TRUE, and yet they all only land on vehicles and remain stuck. They just dont take off with units. what can i turn on/ off to make them behave?
  15. So, how can i change the texture or color of units?
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