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Doctor Destiny

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  1. I don't think I really need a patch since DxWND does exactly what I need it to do, which is become a window. I'm sure just not sure of the particulars behind the game's engine. If I could get some more information on that like DirectX version, whether it uses GDI, etc, I could run from there.
  2. I don't play anything full screen anymore. I do a lot of multitasking so a full screen window interrupts that, which is why I want it windowed. That and I don't like it stretched. I can live with a small resolution, but not while it's stretched. Actually, I play Zero Hour in a window and I have no trouble finding any units. Same with Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2.
  3. Lost my account from a decade ago but anyway, I found an old copy of D2K I had laying around. It's portable and I'm sure it's the latest version of the game. I have it running on Windows 7 x64 without any trouble but I want to play it in a window rather than full screen since it's stretched. I use DxWND to force games into a window but it's not working no matter what combination of options I choose. Is anyone around here familiar with DxWND and can tell me what to do? If I need a different source of the game, that's fine too. Just point me in the right direction and I'll go from there.
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