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Lord Southwold

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    London England
  1. Im guessing there isnt a solution for why my AI players are being so stubborn?
  2. Im using an original edition boxed CD, came with everything including manual and industries guide. I have over time downloaded the patches needed for various bugs (although my trains still slow down to 1M.P.H sometimes at stations and maintenance lol ).
  3. Hey Gwizz I re-edited my scenario and replaced my chosen AI players to the top performing ones from the list you provided, and even gave them all double the average starting cash.....and they are still not building rail companies!! all they do is buy my stock. I increased my companies dividend rate so they even got more cash from that but nope nothing, im 6 years into this new scenario so far. All my towns and cities are decently spaced but close enough to easily connect and nearly all of them have some kind of industry in place already. Im now completely lost as to where to go from here!
  4. Thank you very much for posting that chart :) Its a great help to see whos the best AI players to compete against, like i said above, I chose the ones I did because I cannot remember playing against them before, from your chart I can see why! What il do now is re-edit my scenario and change the AI players to the most competitive ones from your list, although I will keep Cecil Rhodes as my human player because after all my sceanrio is Rhodesia :) I dont remember ever seeing that chart with my copy of RRT3 so thank you for posting it.
  5. Thank you for replying to my question! I understand what you said, but how do I know what AI chairmen are best to pick?....you said pick chairmen who have a 200% chance of starting a rail company but theres no information on who has what specialty. At the moment I am using Cecil Rhodes as my human player and then these following people as AI players: Lord Strathcona Sir George Stephen Sir John Forrest Sir Sanford Fleming Leland Stanford I cant remember playing against these characters in other scenarios which is kind of why I picked them. Should I choose others instead?
  6. Hey all :) I have been tearing my hair out over this issue which im betting ill feel silly when someone tells me what im doing wrong! Ive played RT3 for years now but have only recently started creating my own maps. I wanted to create a map of my home country Rhodesia (I live in the UK now) and have had a few minor problems doing this but I have the map up and ready to go. The issue im having is I wanted to make the scenario for one human player and up to 5 AI players, I chose the player for me (Cecil Rhodes ofcourse :P) and then chose the 5 AI players I wanted to compete against. I set the scenario to mandatory 1 human player and 1 AI player with the others optional. BUT, I have been playing the scenario over and over and the AI players do not start their companies!, they are always on the player list and they have even bought some of my comapnies shares, but they do not start their own companies at all, even after 20 years has gone by in the scenario none of them begin a company or anything!! Can anyone tell me where I might have gone wrong please? I love playing this game but it gets a little boring after a while not having anyone to compete against! Thanks guys!
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