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Everything posted by PredaN00b

  1. The link is in the original post http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/predan00bs-dune-mod/ Here's the link to the file directly: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/predan00bs-dune-mod/files/2-preda-n00bs-dune-mod-v0-3/ I don't think it's the same map. The worm is controlled by AI and I'm using the MULEs as spice harvesters.
  2. Sorry for not replying sooner. Getting caught up in college I though about using the creep system, but I've yet to find out a way to make the creep a different texture or make it invisible. And noone in the SC2 modding community seems to know how >_> When I have some time I'm going to try something similar to the pylon system. Also, I have only 3 units of house atreides to finish, so I can test it even now if you're interested.
  3. Thank you for your reply fellow mapper ^_^ Yes you can pretty much edit 90% of the things in the sc2 editor! (Although I've yet to have that much skill :D) The damages are automatically calculated from the main damage you see on top. I'm using percentages compared to the types of armor (medium, heavy, structure,etc...) so it will be quite long if I want to round them up. Maybe as finishing touches to the map. I don't think it's possible to restrict building to certain textures, but I'm searching for something that will act as the "creep" like for the zerg which players will be able to build upon. (For now I have a temporary work around for it) As for the worm, I have it restricted to certain regions where there is only sand :) Thank you for your reply again! If anyone wants to test it with me please contact me ^_^
  4. Hello everyone! Being a fan of Westwood games, I looked for one of their games to try and remake under the Starcraft 2 engine. Having most enjoyed Emperor the most, I decided to try and do a mod of it. This mod is still in early development. But I wanted to get some feedback on whether I should go on with it or not. I've started with the house Atreides, and will later move on to the other houses. I've also done a harvester/carryall system and a rudimentary Worm A.I and around 85% of the Atreides units. (I still have kindjal, outpost, starport, the palace and the balancing of already done units) Please go here for a detailed description of what I've done so far http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/predan00bs-dune-mod/ The problem I'm having most trouble with is making the units similar to those of the original EBFD. This is why I need objective opinions on how well the units are done so I can make them as similar as possible to Emperor's. Hence I would greatly appreciate if anyone can help me test my map on battlenet and give me their review on things. If all goes well and the mod gets some support from you guys, I will commit to it, and later (when I fully complete and test a House) I might seek someone to remake the models from EBFD. You can reach me on this forum, my email ddragon_47@hotmail.com or on battlenet on the European server under the name Dragon (character number 1318)
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