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  1. np problem solved.. i noticed right now that ra servers r dead and u need the original serial to play on xwis.. anyway i got another problem.. when i start playing it goes in out of sync.. some1 know where i can download emperor cd1? probably this 1 i downloaded has some mods and i cannot understand what s the problem
  2. hey every1 im a old player.. i remember ppl like elsipues, spacelord serossian (who was my italian mate) atom, viking.. hope u remember me aswell i wanted to come back playing ebfd but i don t remember how to play it online. i tried to follow ur guides to get into the multiplayer but i failed :D me and a friend tried to make a game.. the problem is that i cannot see him in the buddy list but we can see each other's game once the game is launched.. when it starts it goes out of sync. can some1 introduce me back in the community? :D my contacts: rew2win (xfire) playaG (gameranger) ps.: i don t remember if my nickname was rewind when i used to play.. i guess so but im not sure HELP ME!!!
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