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Everything posted by Daxius

  1. Hi again guys. Just reinstalled my computer again with W7 but unfortunately it didnt work. It must be the hardware on the notebook and guess what... Ive just tested it with an USB Keyboard and it worked. I will now start looking for a wierd thing such as drivers for this keyboard. Maybe DosBox is loading an incompatible KBD driver but thats guessing. I will let you know how it turns out. Best regards Dax
  2. Hi all. Thanks for your replies on this issue, but i think ive isolated the problem. Dosbox seems to function incorrect on my computer, so the fault is software and located in the DosBox program. Some of the functions in DosBox like CTRL+enter(enter/exit full screen) does not work and keymapping dosent work either. I will try to reinstall windows at some point, because ive allready tried to reinstall Dosbos without it helped. I will get back to you whenever the situation changes. Again, thanks very much for your help everyone.
  3. Hi all. Status is it did not work the solutions you suggested. Ive tried Dosbox with Dune2 on several computers now and it only appears on my own. Fate is cruel! Within a week or 2 i need to reinstall my windows, so im gonna try then. Im gonna get back to you with a soultion when i find it, so others who experience this fault can quickly fix it.
  4. Sounds like an solution, im gonna try that aswell when i get the oppitunity. Also i noticed that disabling the Num Lock will make the Numpad Enter key ineffective in Hall of Fame, and since i play on a notebook, where i believe it always is disabled, that might work too. I will try all this out and let you know later. Thank for all the suggestions and help so far.
  5. Ive tried to play it on another computer and it works fine. Num lock was on, but i will try it on my own computer later this evening. Yes, I've tried both. In running W7 64-bit, so that is not possible. Dosbox is apparently the only option for me.
  6. Hi After the first mission, I'm needed to enter my name in the Hall of Fame. But whatever i do the game does not react when i hit enter. The cursor keeps blinking and i can edit my input, so the game doesn't freeze. I have to kill the game. I'm playing as Harkonen if it makes any difference. I use D2 1.07 in Dosbox 0.73. Ive searched these forums and goggle, but only in abandonia's Dune 2 discussions forums i see someone have the same problem, but there is no solution. Does anyone have the solution? I would appreciate it very much since its been 10 years last time I've played Dune 2. Thank you in advance.
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