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  1. I have setup a Hamachi network for Emperor that can support up to 32 players. To join, the network ID is 113-129-763 and there is no password. You can download Hamachi at vpn.net.
  2. Hey roedor. Download tunngle. That's where most of us play.
  3. Voodoo, Are you still thinking of bringing back the RA Server? I think a lot more players would play if you brought the server back. If not, I have some old computers and servers from my office I can use if you could provide me with the instructions and the code to get it up and running. Let me know, Miles
  4. Voodoo, I personally prefer RA over hamachi. I've noticed a lot of problems trying to play on hamachi and I think more people would come back to play if RA's server was back, but would you be hosting the server using the same web address that RA used or a new one? Also, what hardware would you need? Miles
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