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    Czech Republic
  1. Thanx for advice... ;) Thought so, but wanted to be sure I haven't missed anything... Shame I have to replay this mission again, but now it will be much easier. (First contact with atreides Hawk Strikes was really awful - now I know my units are not necessarily lost when hit... ::) )
  2. Hello everyone... Hope I can get some advice here, since this site is my last option after couple of hours googling... I've started to play this wonderful game a few days ago and something strange is happening. I play campaign for House Ordos and have managed to conquer some territories on a path to Atreides capital. After conquering the capital I've set out to Caladan to rid the universe of these worms once and for all... But... When I conquered their homeland (I've destroyed just about everything in the location, including the trees in desparation), nothing's happening... No big VICTORY sign, nothing. There's only me and a few atreidish birds flying in the sky... Should I kill THEM too? The task was to destroy the city. That's done, so - where's the problem? However, I haven't conquered all of the atreides territories on Arrakis though... Could this matter? Thanx for any help... (BTW I'm running 1.09)
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