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Everything posted by Zoko

  1. [used to be it's own topic, moved here] Hi, I'm new to the community and this is my first post. I would like to play dune2k online, but I haven't seen any games out there (and I don't have any friends on GameRanger). I would like to know if many people play dune on GameRanger, or if I should use another server instead. Also, I have the Clash of the Landsraad mod installed, and want to know if I have to uninstall it to play online (probably not, since the mod basically replaces .bins, but does that mean that the mod will be active for me if I play online, even if the person/people I play against doesn't have the mod?) If any of you play on GameRanger, I would be happy to play against you (especially if you have the mod).
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