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  1. Hi, I've just started playing Battle for Dune again, but I've never played multiplayer by connecting to the internet. My question is: how do I start a co-op game somebody? I connect to XWIS, go to custom, and then select co-op campaign, but whenever anybody joins, I can't start the game. I don't ever see a 'ready' or 'start game' button anywhere. What am I doing wrong? Now for my suggestion. I know that Emperor's LAN mode is problematic with the constant slowdowns/speedups, which is why I recommend using Cheat Engine to keep the game at a stable speed. I haven't done extensive testing, but with a game speed of 5 and Cheat Engine's speed hack set to .5, the game practically felt like single player mode. I'll do some more tests to see how well Cheat Engine works, but so far it seems great (on LAN 1 on 1 fights, I haven't checked internet mode yet). It also works the best if only 1 person uses Cheat Engine. I'll explain more if anyone needs help.
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