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  1. I solved the problem. I had to edit the rules.ini (I think that's the name) file so that if you build a palace, you don't get anything. The AI patch is basically some scripts which make AI play much better. I'm playing on LAN for various reasons....and also I think I'll suck against you lot online. :P
  2. Hi all, Okay, I usually disable SuperWeapons because it's a pain when you're almost done building units and then...****ing hawkstrike or chaos lighting comes into the play and ruins all of it >:( The thing is, I download the AI enhancement "patch", and wether I disable the SuperWeapons in the menu before I start the game, it doesn't get disabled - anyone can build it...Me, other players and AI...>:( I'm pretty sure it's because of those scripts, as I could always disable that BS, so if anyone has an idea on how to fix it please do tell me...it drives me insane.
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