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  1. yeah, it'll be set up into multiple areas of dune, the classic desert theaters, crag areas, equator areas, and even icecaps (yes icecaps i know :P but they had them in dune 2000 and i love them :D) and a few others i'll need to think of. so sandworms wont be in all the theaters, just the desert for now. and i'll go into more detail on the maps and areas when the time comes, just hang tight! :D
  2. Hello everyone! This is my first post here, so I will make it worth your guy's while :P. This is my Dune project for Tiberium Wars. First i would like to apologize if i have it in the wrong forum, and secondly i want to thank you all for your interest in the project, whomever it may be. Below you will see a basic outline of what i have going so far with the houses of the project currently. I Will try to keep this as updated as i possibly can for you guys. Without further Adieu, I present to you Dune: From The Ashes. Enjoy everyone :) This is my Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars modification named Dune: From The Ashes. This modification will continue from Emperor: Battle For Dune and add 3 full fledged houses, Corrino, Ix, and Tleilaxu, along with the original Atreides, Ordos, and Harkonnen houses. Each house will be divided into Allies and will fight along side eachother to ultimately reveal who will become Emperor of Arrakis, for he who controls the Spice, controls the Universe. The Men Behind the Curtain Apollo: Sounds Arikado: Textures Elerium: Lore ErastusMercy: Concept Artist Fenring: Coding Orac: Onsight Criticism (xD) Sanedisruption: 3D Joshy: 3D The Houses and their "Allies" Atreides __________ -> Allies --> Corrino, Ix __________ Ordos __________ -> Allies --> Ix, Tleilaxu __________ Harkonnen __________ -> Allies --> Corrino, Tleilaxu __________ Corrino __________ -> Allies --> Atreides, Harkonnen __________ Ix __________ -> Allies --> Atreides, Ordos __________ Tleilaxu __________ -> Allies --> Ordos, Harkonnen Each house consists of 2 different factions. Each of the factions contain either of the houses ally that they have. IE: Choosing Atreides will give you the option of choosing either Atreides+Ix, or Atreides+Corrino. You will not be able to play the game as just Atreides, or any other House without an ally. Here is a WIP Unit list i am working on, not all houses will be completed at once, but i will be updating this as i get through the planning stages of each faction. Atreides Architecture & Style WIP Structures WIP Infantry WIP Vehicles WIP Air WIP Ordos Architecture & Style -> Floating structures -> Sydney Opera House Architecture -> Beige and Green structure colors -> Green house color -> House Symbol - Cobra -> http://ofearna.us/books/anderson/swarm.jpg Structures WIP Infantry WIP Vehicles WIP Air WIP Harkonnen Architecture & Style -> Ground based undeployable structures -> Dark, steel citadel / Imperial Guard architecture -> Blackish Brown and Red structure design -> Red house color -> House Symbol - Balrog -> http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/pumpkinhed1/strogg_concept1.jpg Structures -> Harkonnen Magma Extractor - 1st Tier Power Structure - Harkonnen utilize the heat produced in the core of Arrakis to power their bases, drawing magma to the core of these reactors. Harkonnen also take the minerals found in the magma to use in unit production. *hint hint* WIP Infantry -> Trooper - 1st Tier Infantry - Harkonnen's "light" infantry. Equipped with LMG's, these soldiers tear through the armor of unsuspecting warriors caught in their destructive wake. -> Heavy Trooper - 2nd Tier Infantry - Heavy Troopers can take out a tank and a half with it's homing missile launcher attached to it's shoulder. be ware though, as they are defenseless at close range. -> Flamer - 2nd Tier Infantry - These troopers like their meat Cajun style. Searing soldiers is the game they like to play, and they play it well. these Infantry only have so far of a range for their Flame Throwers to reach. taking them out from afar is their weakness... good luck -> Engineer - 2nd Tier Support Infantry - Engineers are well known for their ability to capture enemy structures, and repair freindly ones. The Harkonnen infantry however, are capable of repairing vehicles. -> HMG Team - 3rd Tier Heavy Infantry - The heaviest of Harkonnen's soldiers, the Heavy Machine Gun Team. 2 soldiers capable of deploying a large turret capable of fending off oncoming soldiers and light vehicles. surrounding these soldiers is your best option to defeat them Vehicles -> Eviscerator - 1st Tier Anti Infantry Vehicle - Quad like ground vehicle with a grinder located on the front of the unit, crushes infantry and has dual light machine guns to eliminate any infantry at a fair distance before it's grinder gets to them -> Exterminator - 1st Tier Combat Vehicle - Treaded attack vehicle equipped with a 120mm Cannon. lightly armored and fitted with a plow to crush the bones of infantry dumb enough to stand in the way. -> Incinerator - 2nd Tier Anti Ground Vehicle - Treaded fireball of death. this vehicle is capable of melting anything in it's path. effective against vehicles and infantry. -> Dominator - 2nd Tier Anti Air Vehicle - Treaded anti-aircraft vehicle. This tank only fires when deployed, and when it's deployed it can only fire at aircraft. it needs some serious defenses when its traveling. use these wisely. -> Vindicator - 3rd Tier Artillery Platform - Deployable long range artillery system employed by Harkonnen ground forces. this massive tank propels plasma bolts at far distances and causes vehicles to slow down upon impact. very vulnerable up close. Make sure you have it travel with friends, as defenses are critical for this units survival. -> Devastator - 3rd Tier Hero Vehicle - Harkonnen's ultimate tank, the Devastor. armed with dual plasma cannons and a nuclear detonation device. this vehicle was made to plow through the enemy lines and if it doesnt succeed, detonate for a massive stone-burner explosion. -> Harvester - 1st Tier Mining Unit - Harkonnen's Spice collecting vessel. The Harvester is a mobile refinery deploys in the middle of spice fields and releases slaves to do the work of collecting spice and returning it to the Harvester. Upon the Harvesters deployment, it sets up beacons that release Feramones that fool the sandworms into thinking it is one. Aircraft -> Defense Platform - WIP Corrino Architecture & Style WIP Structures WIP Infantry WIP Vehicles WIP Air WIP Ix Architecture & Style -> Robotic structures -> Glassy Medieval Armor / Tau Structure Architecture -> Chrome White structure colors -> House Symbol - WIP -> Aqua house color -> http://blackthornsl.com/Sin/Photoshop%20Backgrounds/RFO_Accretia_Art_1280.jpg Structures WIP Infantry WIP Vehicles WIP Air WIP Tleilaxu Architecture & Style -> Organic / Mechanical structures -> Strogg mutated mechanical Architecture -> Grey and Orange structure colors -> House Symbol - Scarab -> Orange house color -> http://www.bulgarov.com/gun_rfull.html Structures WIP Infantry WIP Vehicles WIP Air WIP More information will be filled up here in due time. Stay with us guys as this should prove to be a fun ride ;) *Note that all the information described here is subject to change at any given time. I am always looking for staff members, and when positions open up that i can think of, I will edit this post. Thanks for reading!
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