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  1. Can anyone other than myself verify if this works? If so, then we have a great way to run Dune 2000 on x64 systems. If not, it's back to the drawing boards.
  2. Actually, you don't need to use Reg Edit. All you need to do is copy the mission and movie files into the Dune 2000 folder on your hard drive, after you have installed Dune 2000 and copied it to your x64. This is effectively a no-cd patch, but only works if you have a working copy of Dune 2000. Root folder = C:WestwoodDune2000 If your root folder is different, compensate it for where ever you have installed Dune 2000, for example, P:GamesWestwoodDune2000 Like it is on my computer for most of my games. Now, look for the "Resource.cfg" file and open it in notepad. Notice how in default, it's like this; data D:movies C:WestwoodDune2000datamusic D:missions datamaps D may change to whatever CD-ROM drive you used to install it from. Now, the movies and missions folders on the CD, copy them to your Dune2000 folder like this C:WestwoodDune2000Movies C:WestwoodDune2000Missions That's not the last of what you need to do. Re-open the resource.cfg file in notepad and change the data entries to reflect the following data C:WestwoodDune2000movies C:WestwoodDune2000datamusic C:WestwoodDune2000missions datamaps That should now allow you to run Dune2000 on your x64 bit computer. I know it works, as I've tried it on my i7 x64 Home Premium, and it works a charm. Just make sure you install the patch BEFORE copying over from one computer to the other. You can even use network locations to run the game from. As long as the resource.cfg is pointing to the right place, you can run the game from anywhere, even off a CD, using little space on your computer. This isn't verified, the running off disc, but, I can verify it to see if it works. Give me two or three days.
  3. Umm, none of the tools in there give me the option to create, rip or convert to or from .aud files. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Edit : Oh no, wait, nevermind. Got it. Now all I need to find out is how do I get it into Dune itself. I'ma try what I thought just now.
  4. Hello, I have been trying to figure out if there is anyway to convert your own music, to play along with, or instead of, the Dune 2000 music. I know there are ways to convert .aud to .wav or .mp3, but I haven't found anyway to convert my music to .aud (Simply changing the file format to .aud doesn't work, by changing the .mp3 to .aud) If anyone knows how to do this, I would be extremely grateful, cos, as good as the Dune 2000 music is, I would like to also listen to my music in the game at the same time, without having to have Windows Media Player open in the background... Thanks to anyone who can help with this.
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