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Everything posted by X_HuNTeR_X

  1. My God! Done it. A Sardaukar General in the Build Bar with a Sardaukar Elite Icon. :O I should test this with the other units and structures too... ::) Many thanks to you two, Apollo and Nema. ;) One last question until issues comes: No one here made a BUILD ALL thing? (like a pack with Rules and ArtIni modded) If not, might I should do one and share it to the community... :D See ya!
  2. Over days, I tested TibEd and modding some things on Emperor. The first thing I tried (and I want to do) was adding new units, structures or infranty to be build, but none of them happeared in the Build Bar like adding the Guild NIAP Flyer, Sardaukar General or others... Then I saw few topics here about that or related but none of them reply what I want. The question, exactly, is: How I can add other units, structures or infantry to be build? (like a BUILD ALL cheat) :- I saw something about the ArtIni file but not sure what I should do with that. Someone can teach me? Testing it I get a relative thing that maked me happy. The example is using some structures that when they are placed, a Carryall comes and drop a unit desired, like the Refinerys when they are placed comes a Carryall with a Harvester. The exaple for that is: You place a Windtrap -> A Carryall comes and drop a Atreides General. The bad thing about that is when you try to call a Carryall with an Air Unit. The Carryall dont come. It stay at the end of the map and dont move (with the unit) so you cant drop it. Doing that in a Skirmish Mode (and I think in Campaing Mode too), you can for example place a lot of windtraps with Atreides Generals or other unit&infantry units, save the game, then modding the windtrap with another unit&infrantry unit desired, loading... etc etc. But that's not cool. The cool thing is having the new things to be builded in the Build Bar. Or Starported would be cool too. Sorry for the mistakes writing. Help please!
  3. Hi all! I'm X_HuNTeR_X. Maybe no one knows me but I know Nyerguds, a good man who helped me years ago making little things like a personal "crack" for C&C 95 (Gold), mean, modifing the .mix files and refill the files with all the videos & audio things, providing me some bonus maps & patches... Again man (think and look the old emails if you have them), thanks for all. ;) Not a coincidence see you there cause you are the best "freak" (w/o offence :D) in the C&C World. So, here's my problem (and many people knows what is): The fucked split screen when someone wants to play Dune 2000. That's it. I explain how I have my PC: WinXP Pro SP2, AMD Dual Core 3,6Mhz, NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 405 256MB, Realtek HD Audio, 2GB RAM...blabla. :D I saw all the diferent topics posted here and arround the internet, I tested all the things I can do and no one happears to solve the problem like: Compatibility (tested all), ticked all the posible Compatibility settings (256 colors, 640x320 resolution...) too I tested every resolutions, changed the Hertz settings (53,60,70,72,75...)... ??? Oh, I have the latest patch installed (1.06) and versions English & Spanish. No matter with the versions. Some help please? :-[ Cya! P.D: Sorry for my bad english, I'm Spanish but I care my little Eng. :-
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