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  1. By the way, Stefan... I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but the (i think) first couple of maps for each campaign has around 32x32 cells, rather than in D2TM with 64x64 cells in all of them. It's like there's more terrain than in the original. Ah, well. You don't need me to be pointing out mundane details like that... just thought it was kinda wierd. Does D2TM only support 64x64? Because I thought it would be cool for the upcoming skirmish mode (or multiplayer 8)) to have larger maps, like 128x128. Anyway, great work. Hope to be seeing more soon... :)
  2. Hey all! I have my Dune II manual here, and each unit description indeed has listing for their crews. After reading about the water topic in the forum, I figured you would like to have them. So, here they are. Harvester: 5 MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle): 15 Infantry: 1 to 3 Troopers: 1 to 3 Trike: 2 Quad: 2 Combat Tank: 2 Missile Tank: 3 Siege Tank: 3 Carryall: 4 Ornithopter: 2 Sand Worm: N/A Fremen: Unknown (Yes, that's what it said, but I'm pretty sure all Fremen squads have 1 to 3 in the original game) Sonic Tank: 2 Deviator: 3 Raider: 2 Saboteur: 1 Death Hand: N/A Devastator: 3 Sardaukar: 3 I'm positive this is all correct; I have the original copy of the manual from 1992. Hope this helps to spark more new ideas! Thanks.
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