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  1. That's odd. What gfx card do you have? That can also be a factor. You need to make sure that that particular brand is playable on D2k. Also, by any, are you running under Administrator Privelages or just a limited account under Vista? The best thing to do really is both install and run under the limited account, that's at least what I did and do. If you can, disable visual themes too, and then try it. If that doesn't work, then I have no clue what else to try. I am sorry I can' be much more help.
  2. Best answer for this? I have Vista too, and before, when I started playing this on Vista, it had that Split-Screen effect. I know what you mean. Where, say the menu, the left side of the menu is actually on the right, and the right is on the left. I guess all I can say is, the way to fix this is to update your graphics card driver to it's highest, and on-top of that, update to Vista Service Pack 1. Also, I use Home Premium. I imagine you use that too, right? Well, if not, I'd say it would be your best bet to play Dune2k properly, if you change to Home Premium, or I suspect Ultimate, but I doubt many people would want to pay big bucks for that. So, Home Premium Service Pack 1 is your best bet, and definitely able to play D2k. Also, make sure you have v1.06 Patch installed, it should be on the site here somewhere. Good hunting and playing.
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