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  1. Of course I can 'ignore' or 'correct' it. But I am assuming these maps were generated by that tool that extracts them from a save file. (If I understood correctly). So, assuming this tool knows what it's doing, there would be a reason why these strange characters are used. Then again, these maps seem to be lacking sand dunes. Seems using screenshots to recreate the map; idea from that other guy; is not so crazy afterall .. just a hell of a lot work ..
  2. Yes, you are right in the fact that ROCKS use % and $ for edges .. but then again SPICE has no alternate character for edges. But eventually this is not a necessary character, unless you need an out of the ordinary edge; but checking the map there's nothing out of the ordinary when using a $ instead of a % It's like a fuzzy logic map :D But I can deal with $ and % .. but not with the weird ( If I set ( to be rock, I have strange rock patches in the sand .. if I set it to Sand, I have strange sand patches in rock.
  3. Hi, I am new to this forum (although I 'know' Steven Hendrik's work Arrakis a few years back). Since I am playing around as well now, with Dune maps and such, I have been reading through this forum about information. I also downloaded most things I could find about Dune, the graphics, the extracted seed maps. However when I try using the seed map, I realize that some of the characters I find in the extracted seed map I cannot seem to figure out exactly what type it is. For example, take the first 4 lines of a Seed Map: ))--+++-)))))))))))))----%^^^%%%%%%^^%))))))))))))%%)))))))$--rr))-+++--)))))))$)))))))))%^^%))))))%^^%%))))))))))))))))))))))rr))--+--)))))%%%^%%%))))))%^^%)))))))%^^^%)))))))))))))))))))))rr)))---)))))%^^^^^^^%%)))))%^%))))))))%^^%)))))))))))))))))))))rrNow it is pretty obvious that ) is a sand tile and ^ is a rock tile. Now, for some reason % is ALSO a rock tile (why next to ^, also a % ? )It is pretty obvious that - is spice and + is a spice dune .. But what is the $ ? rock? Why is it $? Even though; my biggest problem is the ( .. I have seen some ('s which, in some cases should be rock (I think) and in other cases should be sand. Has anyone actually have a correct explanation what exactly is what in these seed maps? Thank you in advance.
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