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Scott Kevill

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  1. Hi all, it looks like Dune 2000 had me fooled. It was only partially converted to TCP/IP on GameRanger. It was showing the game correctly, but it still tried to use IPX to host/join on it. This meant a) it was only working on a LAN, and b) explains why it wasn't working for people on Vista. It's fixed now and should work over the internet as intended. Sorry about the mix-up.
  2. I posted a few months ago about GameRanger as a place to play E:BfD online. I'm pleased to say that after a bit of a delay, Dune 2000 is now also supported. It's not quite as automatic as most games because of the way Dune 2000 requires you to pick your team/colours before you host or join a game, but this still should be a lot quicker & easier than Hamachi. GameRanger does use the LAN mode of Dune 2000, but it forces Dune 2000 to use TCP/IP rather than IPX, which means you won't have any hassles with Vista like you do with Hamachi. Not to mention all the other Hamachi issues of juggling networks, evicting stale users, etc.
  3. Emperor isn't available on the Mac. I'm talking about the PC here. The Wikipedia entry is out of date (and has always been wildy inaccurate) anyway, so don't take too much notice of that. alchemi2, GameRanger for PC was only released for the first time a couple of days ago, it's only natural that it will take a little time for momentum to build.
  4. That's probably very sensible to be a little cautious these days. :) I am the owner. GameRanger started on the Mac back in 1999. Here's an article on Apple's site: http://www.apple.com/games/gettingstarted/multiplayer/ Today a PC version was announced and released, and that's what brings me here. E:BfD is one of the games it supports from day 1. Have a browse of the press releases on the GameRanger site to get an idea of the history if you like.
  5. Hi all, just thought I'd let you know about a new multiplayer network I've created for playing Emperor: Battle for Dune online called GameRanger. Basically, GameRanger makes it quick and easy to play your friends online. It has full lobby support for over 500 different games and demos (including Emperor, of course), without the hassles and headaches that usually happen with network connections (eg. routers & firewalls). I'm really excited to be releasing it, and hope it helps boost the Emperor community by allowing people to play that were unable to until now due to problems with opening ports, etc. The more barriers that can be removed, the more likely the community will stay strong, as new users won't be put off. You should find this way simpler than the other methods you have been using. You can download it at www.GameRanger.com
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