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  1. hi I'm looking for working trainer for EBFD 1.04 or 1.09 Those trainer what i've found on net dont working at all, so if you know any that works, pls put link here thanks
  2. hi I need install fix and patch 1.09. Downloads are still disable, so pls let someone put it on rapidshare, thanks.
  3. hmm...XCC mixer that I installed on my pc was a set of few programs. dune 2 packer only unpack pak files and dune 2 scenario editor is only map editor where I can only make a map for dune 2.
  4. hi unfortunately XCC mixer is only for c&c games and non of programs that you suggest works for me.
  5. hi I have small problem with cheats in Dune2, sdune 2. I found cheats for dune2,sdune2 where is written that you need to edit 'scenario.pak' file to have unlimited spice and more units. example: [Atreides] Quota=0 Credits=1000 Brain=Human MaxUnit=16 change in to: [Atreides] Quota=0 Credits=50000 Brain=Human MaxUnit=99 I have old PC with win98se(cpu433mhz,128mb ram,16mb 3d graphic card tnt2) with i keep it for for playing old games. The problem with cheats is that, after editing the 'scenario.pak' game don't want to work on my pc. It's starts but after choosing the house game freeze. I've check this cheats on friend PC(similar to my pc)and on his pc cheats are working, game starts and works properly. You can play with unlimited spice and build more unit's. I don't know why on my friend pc cheats working and on my pc don't. any idea how to solve this problem.
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