Enker-Zan: I am working on a MOD for this game, and I have some questions. But, before we start, if an admin is reading this, please verify my account (Enker-Zan) so I can log in to this site, confirmation codes are not supported by Yahoo! email. -.- 1. How do you stop a unit from using it's default voice sounds after changing them? Every time I select a unit, it always responds with it's default sound on the 1st click, and then goes to the other sounds that I selected. 2. I want to be able to make my MOD available for DL when it is finished, but I am not sure how to go about this here on the site. 3. TibEd seems to only want to function on 1.02 version data. When I save the changes to the game etc, it will cause the map editors etc not to work due to incompatibility. Is it easy to transfer all my changes to the 4 core files without TibEd? Or is there a way to tell TibEd to stop using outdated code? 4. When using the Campaign Editors, how do you alter the default levels of Dune 2000? I tried to open in via editor, and could not find it anywhere.