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  1. Enker-Zan: I sent mail to the admin to help me with that, still haven't heard from them though.
  2. Enker-Zan: No, we are different people, I am using his account to post here because my account is still not validated. The validations links won't send to my Yahoo! Email. Sorry for the late reply, been VERY busy the past couple months. As soon as I can get validated, I can show screenshots of the current progress.
  3. Enker-Zan: I found the problem with the editor, the DL was faulty, I DL from somewhere else and it works properly now. Gonna get started on the modding. ^^
  4. Enker-Zan: The editor is not seeing them. The folder looks empty when it actualy isn't because it is looking for a specific file type that I also cannot alter.
  5. Enker-Zan: Yay! The quote works again! Obviously not. They are not showing up when I go to open them.
  6. Enker-Zan: I can get the tool kit to work, I just don't know where to look for the campaign files so I can edit them. I looked again for the sounds part, I think Koen screwed up somewhere in TibEd, he will have to fix it. If that mudule is compatible with TibEd, I will look into it.
  7. Enker-Zan: The unit voices can be edited in TibEd I think.. I remember something about this issue in the options, dont remember exactly where, but was quite obvious.. something like "unit response sound #1, #2 etc." You'll have to search these by yourself cuz atm, I don't have TibEd installed to tell you exactly where they are :D Hmmm, the quoting doesn't work here for some reason... Anyways, TibEd is where I edited the sounds. For example, I copied and pasted all the sounds from the Ordos Saboteur onto the Ordos Stealth Raider. And still I always here the default vehicle response on the 1st click before it changes to the proper sounds. I triple checked to make sure I didn't miss anything, and I didn't. What do u mean with "alter" ? I mean edit the original game's campaign levels so they scale right with my changes. TibEd actually WORKS with 1.06, I edited 1.06 with it without any problem.. used it on the balance mod/patch for dune (which isnt finished yet) I might have to re-install it or something then. I had to add the Atreides Grenadier data by hand because the latest version did nt have it. And that is where the problem may be...
  8. Enker-Zan: I am working on a MOD for this game, and I have some questions. But, before we start, if an admin is reading this, please verify my account (Enker-Zan) so I can log in to this site, confirmation codes are not supported by Yahoo! email. -.- 1. How do you stop a unit from using it's default voice sounds after changing them? Every time I select a unit, it always responds with it's default sound on the 1st click, and then goes to the other sounds that I selected. 2. I want to be able to make my MOD available for DL when it is finished, but I am not sure how to go about this here on the site. 3. TibEd seems to only want to function on 1.02 version data. When I save the changes to the game etc, it will cause the map editors etc not to work due to incompatibility. Is it easy to transfer all my changes to the 4 core files without TibEd? Or is there a way to tell TibEd to stop using outdated code? 4. When using the Campaign Editors, how do you alter the default levels of Dune 2000? I tried to open in via editor, and could not find it anywhere.
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