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Everything posted by schmalaa

  1. I found the channel, it has four members present.. However when i go into dune2000 it still takes me to the westwood channel. How exactly do i get it to connect to the hamachi channel?
  2. Well i used to play dune2k a loooong time ago, i even forget my gamertag.. lol. I'm pretty sure i remeber shygirl4 though which is strange lol. 1.) Well here's my problem, i click online play... and the first thing it does is starts downloading a patch. However this patch never finishes downloading and my only option is to cancel. When i hit cancel it takes me out of dune2k, and when i re-try to login it attempts to download the patch again. 2.) So is there still a way to play this classic online anymore, or have those days come and gone?
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