tried it with TibEd v1.64(Dune 2000) and it didnt work
i changed the Starport Yes/No 's
Missle Tank - No
Siege Tank - No
Light Infantry - Yes
Trooper - Yes
and when i run the game all the art is messed up and i am not able to select the infantry units at the starport....
any help here?
(Glad/suprised to see a breathing Dune community )
EDIT - tried changing some art and the same thing happened.... maybe i should get a newer tibed version?
EDIT2 - ok.. whatever i do the same thing happens... gonna try reinstalling all the stuff i guess
EDIT3 - The game crashes when i try to build a barracks...
EDIT4 - Reinstalled it and it worked... thanks for all your help couldnt have done it without you guys