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  1. TYVM ;D This is good news indeed. Ive thought about playing online but really Im not very good at this game or any of the C&C games. Im playing on easy and gotten alot of the map Atreides but some lvls just kick my ass hehe. So i guess I really wouldnt be much of a challenge for you guys. I will consider it though.
  2. Hi I just got some simple questions for you guys. Ok I want hook up my old computer(XP) with the new one im getting(Vista) so i can multi player with my nephew. Will I have to buy another copy of EBD or can I just install the same copy on both computers with me playing one house and a friend playing another? Also Will my XP computer be able to "Talk" to my Vista computer correctly considering thier two different operating systems? Sorry if these questions seem dumb but ive never done this befor. Thanks for the help. LONG LIVE THE FIGHTERS!
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