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  1. Found it,thanks :)
  2. Guess you dont understand my english dude then.I said i got the cd's set + the key but NO booklet,i tried the hawk strike and was wondering what it does,yes i saw the enemies was running with that purple aura,but i was wondering what it actually does. Thanks you all nice peoples for your answer :) Might be a noob for this precise game,im an avid C&C games since a decade,so im not so new about rts ;) I have another question... I do the atreides campaign,its the second time i do a specific map,theres still spice on ground,but my harvies dont take it? they dont move,even if i try to force them,they dont harvest,how come? thanks again!
  3. Hello peoples! sorry for the stupid questions but i recently bought an emperor : battle for dune game,only get the cds + the cd-key,i have no booklet at all and i didnt saw anything related with hawk strike. Im playing the atreides campaign for now and i wonder what the hawk strikes does? anyone can answer me please? and theres any "super weapon" or anything like hawk strike for the 2 other teams? whats their name and what they do? thanks a bunch ! :)
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