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  1. Hey guys... I need help with 2 things n i was hopin u could give me a nudge in the right direction How can i change the resolution of either: 1)the install of Emperor Dune (which is 800x600) 2) the resolution of the game itself (without entering the game... perhaps a startup command) Any files i could edit... oh it would be prefered if the install could also be changed beforehand... or atleast ran in a window... so i could see it... damned lcd monitors!
  2. Are there any start up commands that can be used to change resolution without actually getting into the game? I've got a 19"WS Benq LCD monitor n the piece of s**t dont pick up 800x600.... but picks up most resolutions under it... which i find stupid... and it doesnt pick up anything over 1024x768 which is even more stupid because the monitor says it supports up to 1440x900... FALSE ADVERTISING AT ITS BEST!!!!!
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