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  1. Well I have been doing a torrent for it for a couple days now, but I'm on my roommate's crappy net so I'm only getting like anywhere between 0-10 kbs with the average at about 2 or 3 kbs. So its gonna take five million years :'(lol. I really put this up to see if maybe had or possibly would have rared it and put it on filefront or a uploading site like that. At least I'd get around 200 Megs download speed. But I guess for now I'll have to wait those five million years. Thanks for the suggestion though, no doubt if I wasn't already torrenting it I would have started it now(despite the fact I only need one file and I own the game, torrenting make me feel kinda bad. than again EA is a money hungry company so I suppose they don't need more cash they are already a gaming monopoly). Anyway thanks again, and if anyone would like to actually rar it and put it up on like filefront, i would be forever in your debt. :D
  2. Hey everyone, I'm new to here but I'm quite a Dune fan. Anyway on to my problem, I just found my disks after a year or 2 of having lost them. Well it seems that there is a scratch on Disk2(Atreides) disk the file is MOVIES0001.RFD Which of course is a important file. Can anyone maybe send me that particular file? I'm way bummed out cause the Atreides are my favorite call me old-fashioned but I always play the good side, all C&C games I play GDI or the Allies And still the good old Atreides in old old Dune 2(Still one of the best RTS out there) Anyway if you could help that'd be awesome! Thanks a bunch! -PirateMobius
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