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  1. the -c worked like a charm. Also the rotate isn't so blinding fast thats its useless anymore. Game looks the same. Thanks
  2. I have the newest drivers. Still no dice. Ill try lowering the res, can only play windowed so its probably the res. Its a poorly programmed game because the rotate works so fast that one move makes it spin all the way around. poorly done.
  3. What no-cd Patch? i just use try using the updated patch. 1.09. or try to. I know its a Driver issue, but NVIDIA isn't exactly going to care to fix an issue in a game that is old and is barely sold in stores anymore. Was wondering if there was a work around or reason.
  4. Has anyone with a GTX or any Geforce 8 series for that matter, been able to run Emperor. I can't. it locks up before loading the game. I've tried the NVIDIA forums and found no info, so trying it out here. Any help would be appreciated. btw Intel Core 2 Duo E6660 @ 2.66 GHZ Asus P5N32 Board Geforce 8800 GTX Windows XP SP2 4 gigs of ram 667 (ya i know XP 32bit cant use 4 gigs...)
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