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Everything posted by Master_axe

  1. Thanks guys, i got two codes, and the first one worked. Now I was wondering if there's a language mod for it, from german to english. Just wondering, thx, Franz
  2. Hey guys, Thx to everyone who even bothered checking in here =). Things are as follows: Maybe 4 years ago, or even 5, I bought emperor: Schlacht um Dune (the German version). Half a year later, my dad bought a computer that could handle the game, and we disposed of our 233MHz pII. I played it with as much enthusiasm as a 13 year old boy could bring up. I beat every mission, but the last (i think that of the harkonnen). Then wcIII came and RAII, tiberium sun and c&c generals and now tiberium wars, a little bit of WoW in between. I never planned on playing it online, and i still don't. The last time i dug up an old game (tiberium sun) i just couldn't stand the graphics :(. However, now my girlfriend got a new laptop with vista, and she's in desperate need of a good game. She's playing dune 2000 (or whichever dune it is that uses the exact same infantry graphics as red alert way back in the day). I'm kinda hesitant giving her generals, as she only plays dune 2000 cuz of the nostalgia, she isn't really a gamer. She doesn't even have internet on her computer :S. Now I figured emperor battle for dune would be perfect for her, she already knows the story, the atreides ordos and harkonnen, and she doesn't care about graphics- heck, this game is even 3d! I enjoyed it a lot, and i practically beat it, so i would be a better help to her if she's stuck on a mission (plus her version of dune 2000 is Russian). The problem is that i moved twice since i got the game, and the box the 4 cds are in doesn't have space, and doesn't contain the instruction booklet- including the cd-key :(. So now I promised her she could come to my house and get this awesome game, and when we wanted to install it... I couldn't find the cd-key. She was clearly disappointed. I searched the web repeatedly, and then at some point today I found this site. I really don't want to disappoint her, I'm sure you understand, so I was hoping i might get my hands on a cd-key here, please. I can even remember that on the back of the instruction booklet there was the commercial for tib sun, i think. I remember that the fedaykin could ride on the big worm (the one you try to save/kill throughout the game, or at least something like that), that the harkonnen home world was scary and red, and that the fedaykin wore like a suit filled with water, or something like that. and when you won with the harkonnen, he held a speech before a bunch of soldiers. Oh and the worm got bombed at the ending, cuz he couldn't move for some reason. I think he was still growing or something. My memories are very vague, but i think i wanna look into the game again ^^, before i pass it on to her. Anywho, I'd really appreciate it if someone could hand me their old cd-key, please. I really "need" it! I promise i wont play it online, i rather play wcIII (dota) or my tib wars anyways. Please please? Thx anyways to whoever read this, and thx to anyone who could help me, really. Thanks guys, Franz
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