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  1. trooper

    level editor

    man, that sux. u dont need to post the link for me, its ok.
  2. trooper

    level editor

    still no reply?! cmon u guys
  3. kinda late to answer to u guys, but first off, yes i only wanted to play the campaign, not online. and second, the only site with the game on "GOOOOOOOOOOGLE!! :O :O" is nahoo.
  4. trooper

    level editor

    is there a dune 2000 editor where u can edit levels in the game, u know, like where buildings and units are placed and how many solaris each faction has and such? Because i noticed in some levels, certain factions don't have refineries and quickly run out of solaris. best example is harkonnen level 8. the mercenaries have run out of solaris by the time u capture their heavy factory and thus cannot repair their buildings. also, in ordos level 4, the smugglers have a full base, but no refinery.
  5. trooper

    super dune II

    ok never mind. problem solved
  6. trooper

    super dune II

    ive been having a problem with SUPER dune 2. Whenever i start the game and choose a house, i hear the name of the house i chose, then the game freezes. can anybody help?
  7. can someone send me dune 2000? I don't have a paypal or the other thing for Nahoo.
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