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  1. Greetingz to all, and a hug for FoX4play for making this Topic, or else i probably wouldnt have found it *g* how are the ppl doing nowadays ? couple years ago i've been trying to get back in aswell but not much succes with rotorz if it goes OOS everytime, but i'm willing to give it another try aswell. i'm just trying to get dune2k back on the PC with Win XP (perhaps win 95 would be required), but without succes so far, since i'm getting an error about Win 16-subsystem. been checking in mirc #dune2000 for some ppl this evening but none are there :/ anyway, this Topic is quite old aswell, and allmost 2 months inactive so it wouldnt be strange if some ppl gave up the hope to check back on it. Bye all, and maybe we'll meet again in Alman
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