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  1. Что ни у кого нету саундтрека что-ли??
  2. Guyz, who can upload this music to rapidshare???
  3. I sad it before...I have a game (1 cd,only game)...but in my country (Kyrgyzstan) there are no 2,3,4-cd game Emperor...that's why a want you to upload it and i could import in my game (If KG have this CD, i would buy it,but it's impossible :((((() I have only tracks which are on the Emperor-audio download page :( PS Ok, tell me, how many CD contains Emperor??
  4. Have anybody upload music??? :-
  5. I haven't got this CD's that's why a whant you to upload it :(((((((
  6. GUYZ, I need This one: Tracklist 1. (AT01)The_War_Begins 2. (AT02)Sand_Excursion 3. (AT03)Assembling_the_Troops 4. (AT04)The_Spice_Must_Flow 5. (AT05)The_Overseer 6. (AT06)Battle_of_the_Atreides 7. (AT07)Ride_the_Worm 8. (AT08)Infiltrating_HK 9. (AT09)Unsuspected_Attack 10. (AT10)Fremen_Alliance 11. (AT11)Assassination_Attempt 12. (AT12)Fight_in_the_Dunes 13. AT_Map1 14. AT_Menu1 15. AT_Score1a 16. (OR01)Not_an_Option 17. (OR02)The_Strategist 18. (OR03)House_Ordos 19. (OR04)Ghola 20. (OR05)Executronic 21. (OR06)Deception 22. (OR07)Sabotage 23. (OR08)Dream_of_the_Executrix 24. (OR09)A_Plan_of_Attack 25. (OR10)Ordos_Control 26. (OR11)The_Specimen 27. (OR12)Infiltrators 28. OR_Map1 29. OR_Menu1 30. OR_Score1 31. (HK01)The_Machine 32. (HK02)Surrounded 33. (HK03)Tribute_to_Evil 34. (HK04)Harkonnen_Force 35. (HK05)Legacy 36. (HK06)Unstoppable 37. (HK07)Dark_Alliance 38. (HK08)War_for_the_Spice 39. (HK09)Defenders_of_Arrakis 40. (HK10)House_Harkonnen 41. (HK11)Invincible 42. (HK12)Victory_is_Inevitable 43. HK_Map1 44. HK_Menu1 45. HK_Score1
  7. Guys, please, can you upload the full Soundtrack to this game. I've been searching this OST for whole year (It made a great impression on me)...if you can upload it, do it in rapidshare........sorry for my POOR English :( :'( :'( :'(
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