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  1. Come on guys, who has never had an out of date shitty old system before? LOL Thanks for all the past support people, will get online soon as possible....
  2. It has taken ages but at last ITS WORKING! Tryed 3 or 4 differant computers, same sort of shitty performace, and they were all running Win XP SP1 an 2! Had Windows ME installed yesterday on my system Annnnnnd hell yeah!!!! Emperor runs like a dream!!!! sooooo happy..... My computer tech was amazed! said XP does NOT run on a dos kernal, but 95/98/ME DO! an that may be the reason..... Just had to post this as theres probly other guys out there with the same drammas. I ended getting an updated system anyways, P4 1.7G, 1.5G ddr ram, 256mg ATI video, a sik sound card..... all is needed is a net connection to play against you guys, as lan is getting boring.....
  3. hi guys, downloaded 2 drivers, 91. some thing and another one, but got the same nvidia error msg with both!!! - thats now with all 3 drivers :( had to down load at a net cafe onto a usb 128m stick via cable, would have taken for ever via 56k installed 1.08, just downloaded 1.09 onto my usb mem stick, have a mate hopefully coming over tomorrow to do a total re-install - XP with all the latest service pack updates and try a few more vid drivers, think his bringing over an old 64meg vid card to some one else told me it may just be XP slowing the game down - because my system is only a 400mhz comp (or set on default 500mhz adjusted via bios, which have only ever realy run it at) XP needs at least 800mhz to run proply, fast. . i like soooooo want this game to work proply.... lucky its another perfect Queensland day other wise id go totaly nutts...
  4. PLEASE help... i cant get ebfd to work. Comp Specs: IPEX 500mhz, now have 256mb pc100 ram, TNT2 Model 64 Pro 32mg card-->(This video card fixed the choppy westwood and ea logo, but nothing else), XP service pack 1, 20gig hd... downloaded driver 71. cant remember from Nvidia tryed to install it and i got this error msg: "The nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit." - dont understand what that means... I am now downloading there 91.31 driver to see if that helps(will install?)... **Can some one please tell me what i have to do to get EBFD to work on my computer?!** i also downloaded and installed patch 1.08... didnt notice anything
  5. thx guys.. Yep i tryed turning the graphics right down, there is never anything running in the back ground... it made no differance, except for realy bad graphics... :- Will try an borrow a 256 or 512 ram stick from a friend and see if that fix's it.... !! the box of emperor said a min of 400mhz and 64kram is needed... dont get it have more then that..... almost forgot but Comand and Conquor "Tiberian Sun" works 100% fine
  6. On my system :-( I so luv this game... start the game and the ea page is very choppy like it cuts in and out every second both sound and picture, westwood logo after it does the same... same goes for the movies parts of the game... And game play starts of ok... but after a few minutes(after i build a city)the game slows down HEAPS! even just scrolling, moving the mouse cursor is like a delayed drunken slowed down reaction... and it only gets worse the longer i play the stage... can some one please let me know how to fix it? My comp is a IPEX 500mhz, 224ram, 20g hdrive, 32bit graphics card, direct sound, and im running Windows XP service pack 2.... please let us know how to fix it...
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