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Everything posted by Baneslayer

  1. Cool cool that stuff will help a lot. Is there possibly a list of what the unknown bytes do? I think I saw something by I can't find it anymore. Also I was wondering if any one has ever decompiled any of the bin files
  2. Also is there a way to change a unit name and the art that it has in the sidebar
  3. what about stealth units i have seen some stuff on it but nothing on how to accomplish it.
  4. Ive been working on modification to dune 2000 with my friends. we are changing unit stats and makeing stuff we would like to see in the game using tibed. one of the things is an ordos stealth combat tank i have tried several things but i cant seem to make this unit stealth. we were also trying to make a branch of units for ordos that are decoys in a sense but you cant add units or at least i cant. i was wondering if there was a way to do these things.
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