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  1. Check the other threads for my solution. Again, it worked for me, it might not work for you. Manolito
  2. I think I found the solution. Unfortunately, the menu screen can't be corrected, but try to change the colour settings to 8-bit in that menu (a bit of a hassle, but you can do it). When you run a mission, the screen is fine. A pity it's 8-bit, but better this than nothing, eh? Manolito The compatibility modus wouldn't affect anything, so you can uncheck it (doesn't matter). Along with screen options of 256 colours, resolution of 640 x 480, it won't affect anything(, other than scaling, but that you could do with your monitor options). The "-g" command is also not helping anything. SO, Run the game, change the game options to 8-bit graphics, and you should be fine, at least I am.
  3. I think I found the solution. Unfortunately, the menu screen can't be corrected, but try to change the colour settings to 8-bit in that menu (a bit of a hassle, but you can do it). When you run a mission, the screen is fine. A pity it's 8-bit, but better this than nothing, eh? Manolito The compatibility modus wouldn't affect anything, so you can uncheck it (doesn't matter). Along with screen options of 256 colours, resolution of 640 x 480, it won't affect anything(, other than scaling, but that you could do with your monitor options). The "-g" command is also not helping anything. SO, Run the game, change the game options to 8-bit graphics, and you should be fine, at least I am.
  4. Hello danicus, Actually, this thread was my solution to the problem. I updated my monitor drivers, but it didn't help it. I might check for sure, though. --- I think I found the solution. Unfortunately, the menu screen can't be corrected, but try to change the colour settings to 8-bit in that menu (a bit of a hassle, but you can do it). When you run a mission, the screen is fine. A pity it's 8-bit, but better this than nothing, eh? Manolito The compatibility modus wouldn't affect anything, so you can uncheck it (doesn't matter). Along with screen options of 256 colours, resolution of 640 x 480, it won't affect anything(, other than scaling, but that you could do with your monitor options). The "-g" command is also not helping anything. SO, Run the game, change the game options to 8-bit graphics, and you should be fine, at least I am.
  5. Hello everyone. Delete or move this thread all you want, but as it seems a lot of people have this problem, and I would like to give my solution, I post here so you're alarmed. http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=21041.0 I hope it solves everything as it did to my game. Sincerely, Manolito
  6. I think I found the solution. Unfortunately, the menu screen can't be corrected, but try to change the colour settings to 8-bit in that menu (a bit of a hassle, but you can do it). When you run a mission, the screen is fine. A pity it's 8-bit, but better this than nothing, eh? Manolito The compatibility modus wouldn't affect anything, so you can uncheck it (doesn't matter). Along with screen options of 256 colours, resolution of 640 x 480, it won't affect anything(, other than scaling, but that you could do with your monitor options). The "-g" command is also not helping anything. SO, Run the game, change the game options to 8-bit graphics, and you should be fine, at least I am.
  7. Hey, I got a QTEK 9090 Pocket PC, and, just as I thought about the Nintendo DS, RTS games like Command and Conquer and of course Dune II/Dune 2000 are just perfect games for such a handheld. Now I know there isn't a Dune 2000 or C&C game on the DS, but is there for Pocket PC's? The closest thing I could come is using a Genesis emulator and play the rather strange remake of Dune II on it, but then I do not have mouse support, which was the main reason why I want to play it on my Pocket and I do not like the music of that version. Another idea would be using a dos emulator and play the old Dune II. I have no idea how I have to set it up, though. The controls of that game were quite primitive about selecting troups, (and I probably need to assign the keys 'move' 'attack' in another way than using the small small keyboard).
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