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Everything posted by SilverBluePhoenix

  1. I already know martial arts . . . The uy was my friend, and knew how I missed my emperor so one day he comes and asks me I'll give ya my emperor for 15 bucks. Guess I was wrong. I made the guy give me the whole torrent file so I could fixxit. So much for piracy.
  2. I've been trying to copy all the cd files on my harddrive and play the game from there because of all the cd changing frustration. But I can't find the place to edit in regedit. Can anyone help?
  3. That damn thing wont work on any computer. I guess I'm screwed! But please do help! EDIT! I fixed it! You just have to change the name of the file from EMPEROR.EXE in the cd to Emperor Battle for Dune_EZ.exe, GO_EZ.EXE to go_ez.exe, SECDRV.SYS to secdrv.sys, DRVMGT.DLL to drvmgt.dll and EN_US_EA.HLP to en_us_ea.hlp CapitalS WERE important.
  4. Nope, no change at all but I made a shocking discovery. It seem like he guy who sold me the cd downloaded it from a torrent! I was trying to find anything that could cure my problem and I found this folder torrent with the file "Emperor - Battle For DUNE `mininova.org'" maybe because it is pirated? I am too scared please help me! I will install it in my crappy comp and see if anything comes out.
  5. The problem is, it is so messed up that you cant even see which direction youre going. So you cant change the options. Maybe if you gave me the menu number, I can do it blindedly.
  6. BTW, Its not the patches, it opened like that the first time I opened the game without the patches I' sending my dx file too. [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  7. I have the exact same problem. Somehow I manged to get to the atreides campaign screen, thought it would work out if I opened a game but it gave an error and closed down. What suggestion are you making, reinstall audio drive? Nothing I tried helps, and my comp is a good comp I dunno the properties but I know my lesser comp played it perfectly.
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