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  1. *waves at everyone* And this is XFaCt0rSS, not SSFACTOR or succooo and all those lovely names he used. :) We were very close back in the day, he actual adopted one of my alternate names and even one of my alternate email addresses with said name and thus SSFACTOR was born a very long long time ago. In either case yeah, just so people aren't confused. I miss him a lot too - haven't heard from him in awhile but I haven't been around much myself either. I stopped playing back in 2001 pretty much, but had some great times with great people while I played. My email address is UltimateSteve69@hotmail.com. And for those who know Facy's email, as mentioned above, this is why. :)
  2. Hey guys, I've been meaning to hop online and play a game or two though I probably suck now at the game.. haha.. :) In either case I was curious if anyone had any luck getting that new program you guys are using working? Hamachi or whatever? I followed the instructions in the thread fairly well but when I select LAN it brings me to a blank lobby. I also should note that I installed that crack that person made for LAN games BEFORE I tried doing Hamachi. Any suggestions? :)
  3. Neo! How are you doing my British Columbian friend? :) I miss ya man - what are you up to these days. I'd surely play for old times sake as well; has anything come of this. What is this program that you and Rotorz have come up with. I've got a lot of people that want to play Dune with me as I've been talking about it lately (hence the googling of it) and could get probably a good 100 people to come and play again with us, fresh legs too, if it were free and online. So spill the goods!
  4. This isn't a new strategy - but good thinking. This strategy was used often in single player tournament games in order to continue building tanks while still getting harvesters. While it was effective, in the end, a player who spent that extra time building a couple of harvesters would most likely win assuming they had good unit control. This strategy does however allow for an effective rush though early on depending upon what your opponent has.
  5. I wouldn't mind comingb ack and playing a few games - I'm sad you didn't mention me there Nerdy. :P
  6. Coolio - I might have to come play a few games. :)
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